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Showing posts from August, 2015

Soul Food

"Are you starving your spirit, At the expense of your soul? you may be feeding on the wrong stuff... Your spirit just might be crying out for a home cooked meal!" The urban term soul food, is refering to a type of food that apeals to a particular culture... mainly the African American culture in this sence. Yet every culture can be known by many different types of cooking that has been shaped by the history of that people. I can remember growing up and going to Grandmas and getting some of those ole greens, mashed potatoes, chicken, yams, stuffing, pigs feet chiterlings and so much more. it definately fashioned the cultural tastes i was to enjoy for even years to come. But just as this article is not about food, We need to be reminded that we are being fed on a continual day to day basis. And not necesarily all foods by choice. Everything we are exposed to in our surroundings is ultimately fashioning and shaping us. Without our efforts to push back, we are being cult...